Thursday, February 24, 2011


I used to be a microwave popcorn girl. Then I started reading the ingredients (or not being able to read them), and I decided to make the switch to stove-top popcorn. It's so incredibly easy that I will never go back. I thought I would share my process, in case any of you are interested!

  • Pour olive oil into the bottom of a medium sauce pan (that has a lid).
  • Let it heat up on medium heat.
  • When it's hot, add a layer of kernels to the pan.
  • Cover the pot.
  • When the first kernel pops, start moving the pan side to side on the burner. This prevents any of the popcorn from burning.
  • Vigorous popping will ensue.
  • Keep moving the pan quickly and steadfastly.
  • As soon as the popping slows, turn off the heat and dump the popcorn into a bowl. Usually, all my kernels are popped and nothing is burned!

What are your favorite toppings to add to popcorn?

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Anonymous said...

yes! i recently made the switch this past fall. i do the same thing, and then i had parm cheese to it and a tiny bit of butter. :)

Cécy said...

I haven't tried it yet, but I heard balsamic vinegar is a great topping. I'll try someday when we run out of the microwavable version.

Anonymous said...

I use a popcorn popper. Not the hot air kind (messy) but a pod that rotates the kernels. It's lazier than your method and requires an additional (inexpensive) appliance but totally worth it for me (lazy). My fav topping is hot madras curry with a dash of paprika, salt and olive oil.

Sara E. Cotner said...

P.S. I'm still hanging out here, behind my maternity leave posts.

I'm staying busy by adding things to my to-do list like, "Unsubscribe from all annoying e-mail advertisements."

Carrie said...

You still working today, Sara? Are you electing to have a certain split from work regardless of when baby arrives?

Kelsey said...

I made the switch to homemade popcorn too! It's soo much better tasting and good for you. I love a little butter, salt, sugar and cinnamon to make it taste more like kettle corn. I've also heard that you can put the sugar directly into the pot and that carmelizes it a bit. I also take a bag of homemade popcorn to the movies with me!

Becca said...

I love soy sauce on popcorn. It's weird, but it works for me.

Stephanie said...

Sara--enjoy your last couple days. I remember those clearly:) I spent a lot of time telling my little peanut I was ready and waiting to see him whenever he was ready to join us. OH.. and I meditated around the idea of openness--I think it sped things up once it started! Have fun with the experience.

Robyn said...

You can still make homemade popcorn in the microwave. Just put popcorn in a paper bag (think lunch bag) you can add olive oil but don't have to. Just fold the bag fairly tightly closed. Although I don't love microwaves, I find this is a great snack at work when I don't have a stove. I love nutritional yeast on my popcorn!

Tori said...

I love to put a little sugar right in the pan for amazing kettle corn! Brown sugar in the pan makes it more of a caramel corn. Top with a little salt for a delicious treat!

Carrie said...

My grandmother always made popcorn this way, so I've been doing it my whole life. Any other kind of popcorn just doesn't taste as good to me. I really don't get fancy with any toppings, but I will have to try the brown sugar that Tori mentioned!

As for the baby, I pretty much run to my blog feed every morning hoping to hear something. I am very happy to hear everything is OK, and I will try to be more patient in my waiting! =D

Ellie said...

I made the switch a couple years ago. I still use commercially made toppings, but reduced balsamic vinegar is also amazing. Also Old Bay (Maryland pride!) is an interesting topping.

Our Little Beehive said...

If you put three kernels in when you put the oil in then you'll know the pot is at the right temp to add the rest of the kernels when they pop.

Unknown said...
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RLMC said...

I love a ground ginger/curry mix, or chili powder and cumin. Delicious!

Lisa said...

I also do the microwave-paper bag method. I've heard rave reviews about using coconut oil with the stovetop method though.

My favorite toppings (not all at once!):
-smoked paprika
-Penzey's pizza spice (lots of Italian spices like fennel, basil and garlic)
-grated goat's milk cheddar

Sara E. Cotner said...

I'm excited to try all your topping suggestions!

And I have a post about DIY microwave popcorn scheduled for later in my maternity leave...

Sara E. Cotner said...

@ Carrie: I went to work today and will most likely go tomorrow. I think I will opt to start my maternity leave on Monday, regardless of whether or not the baby is here. It's finally getting harder to work.

Carrie said...

Sounds like a good decision for yourself, Sara. Sometimes it's good to have a "sure thing"--you can't know when baby boy is arriving, but you can make the executive decision about work. That certainty might give you a mental energy boost.

Plus, getting harder to work might be a good sign of your body preparing for the real deal. :)

Carrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cecile said...

Microwave popcorn doesn't exist in here... Sure, it makes easy to live without something when you never got to experience that thing ! My mum always made popcorn in a pan. Sweet memories :)

You are still working ??????
I am so shoked !

Lauren said...


I'm a homemade-only girl, too. Ever since I lived overseas and didn't have a microwave. I'm never going back to the fake stuff!

Tara said...

I have the "fancy" popcorn popper too that moves the popcorn around while it's on the stove and I LOVE to throw a handfull of redhots in when you put in the popcorn kernals. The redhots will melt and as the popcorn pops it is covered in an amazing candied cinamon goodness. My grandpa always did this when we were kids and it is still one of my all time favorite snacks.

Unknown said...

Once I I poured in the kernels and walked out of the kitchen- without putting the lid on. When I heard the first couple kernels pop I walked back in to shake the pan around and was really surprised to find popcorn flying everywhere! I couldn't even stop it...I was laughing too hard and soon my kitchen floor was carpeted with popcorn. Truly, a Lucile Ball moment. Though I don't recommend this method it did provide us with a good laugh...and still does.

I love warm melted butter and a bit of salt.

Katrina said...

Why dont you think about buying an air popping popcorn machine, that doesn't use oil or butter.
it does make the popcorn a little dry but its way healthier

Elizabeth said...

I grew up with an air popper straight out of the 70's (I think my parents got it as a wedding gift), then moved on to stove-top popcorn in my own house. We got an air popper as a wedding gift--the technology looks like it hasn't changed at all since the one my parents had, but it still works great at making tasty healthy popcorn!

Emily said...

I grew up eating stove popped popcorn with Nutritional Yeast ( on top. Soooo yummy.

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