March is already drawing to a close. Craziness! Before April is here, I want to take stock of how I'm doing on my goals for this month, so I can hurry and accomplish any remaining things in the final week.
(Full Disclosure: I took a significant break after I typed that first paragraph to go and cross another item off my goal list!)
Eliminate at least two commitments in my life, as a way to make a clearing that allows me to pursue my life dream and make more time for relaxing.
Yes! I just did this. It was so, so tough. I am not a quitter. However, I need to stop over-committing and focus.
Finish all my work before we leave for spring break.Pretty much, yes!
Enjoy spring break to the fullest!Why yes I did, thankyouverymuch.
Eat in a way that makes me my healthiest self (and drink plenty of water!) as part of my "pre-mester" (which could be years!). I haven't been as rigid as I originally wanted to be, but I think it's okay. I am still two months away from trying to get pregnant, so it's okay to not eat as well as I want to eat when I'm actively conceiving and pregnant. In general, I've been pretty good. I'm also realizing how much preparation it takes to eat well and travel at the same time.
Try to sail through another potentially stressful month (and stop filling up my calendar with so much darn stuff!).Yes! January, February, and March have been packed tightly, but I see bluer skies in April and May. Hooray!
Send my friend a good birthday present.Yes! Matt and I went to a funeral at the last minute, so I didn't get anything in the mail, but I did create a gift that I could send electronically (see photo above).
Learn as much as I can at the American Montessori Society conference in Boston.I'm going next week.
Plan a fun get-together for my friends.Yes, Bocce Ball and a potluck!
Finish our fence project.Working on this desperately. It's a huge pain in the rump roast.
Buy comfy furniture for our backyard.Working on the fence part first.
Plant tomatoes.I'm getting really depressed by how little my seeds have grown since I planted them in January. Argh.
Schedule doctor and dentist appointments (for real this time!).Hooray! Finally! I have really been dragging my feet on this one...
Start acupuncture.I did do my initial visit. I decided against it for a
variety of reasons, but I will go back to it if I can't regulate my periods through stress reduction, nutrition, and exercise.
Do yoga regularly (I mean it.).Yes! Yes! (Keep in mind I only do 15 minutes of yoga at a time, but it's a start.)
Really track my cycle.Yes, I've been doing this as much as possible.
Get an earpiece for my cell phone.Not yet. Old-school earpieces are really hard to find.
Start walking after dinner.No, we have not done this. It's hard to cook a meal and then fit in a relaxation ritual every night. Hmm...
Start relaxing at 8:30pm every night. Yes! Even when I thought it would be impossible to get home by 8:30 every night, I managed to pull it off. Hooray!
Wow. I am on a roll this month. Posting my goals each month really holds me accountable for getting my butt in gear and getting stuff done. So thank you for existing out there in the ether and serving up a major dose of motivation and accountability!