Christmas List

- Subscription to Sunset Magazine
- A personal screen-printing machine
- Book: Making a Family Home
- Book: Simplicity Parenting
- KitchenAid mixer bowl
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Good Times
"This was an excellent course and a lot of thought, research, hard work, and love went into it - that is obvious. It was comforting to find a community of others who are really taking the time to plan for conception and parenthood, because I don't find that among my local community. Great job, Sara. Really and truly. This course was a big help to me and I will definitely recommend it to others!"
"I think that this course really shines in the lessons that require self-reflection. You brought up several issues that I hadn't really considered."
"Thanks to all the reflection, guided discussions, and useful advice from this course, [my] worry/fear has pretty much disappeared. My partner and I have figured out what 'ready' means to us, and it's not as hard as we thought it would be to get there. We have a short to-do list with achievable goals. I'm happy to be where I am right now in my life."
"Thanks for taking the time to put all of this information together and for sharing so much of yourself with us. I enjoyed the course."
"After working through the course I feel much more comfortable with the idea of having a child and much more prepared to expand my family."
"I was very ambivalent about having a child before taking this course. I now know that my husband and I are more prepared than I thought we were to have a child. For the areas in which we need some work, I now have concrete action steps to complete...It's wonderful to actually be excited about this next step instead of fearful or unsure."
"I have a long way to go, but I want to work on myself before having a baby. This course has helped me identify concrete areas that need work."
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: E-Courses, Pregnancy-n-Birth
The first weeks and months and year even, are extremely wonderful but also challenging for so many reasons you have already identified. However, managing the relationship with parents and in-laws can be equally wonderful and fraught (much like-wedding planning). All sorts of assumptions and expectations and stress around the new baby and our own upbringings can really make that transition from son/daughter to parent and from parent to grandparent extremely difficult. For example, our birth centre recommended no visitors for the first 24hrs to let baby and mum rest and for everyone to get to know each others smells and bond. I am very close to my mother, but this request was really difficult for her to understand. Also, I have a great relationship with my in-laws, but so many of the things they do with our son really irk me and I think they are challenging or doubting our parenting decisions. Really, they are just helping and adore their grandson and I have to keep reminding myself of this. I also imagine that living away from family means that in-laws and parents will be visiting for extended periods of time which brings a whole host of other issues into play.
Like I said, I just think this is something that begs thinking about before the sleepless nights arrive. We are for good reason focussed on the bonding and sleeping and breastfeeding and our relationship with our partner, but often forget about the extended networks (and associated stresses) that make up a family and it is good to reflect (with matt) and possibly have a strategy or personal mantra to help get through some of those new challenges.
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Purposeful Parenthood
Image courtesy of Meg via Sew Liberated
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Montessori Method, Purposeful Parenthood
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Purposeful Parenthood
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Crafting
I've been trying to eat more lentils, quinoa, and cous-cous, but I still find myself pulled toward pastas, breads, and pizzas.
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: In the Kitchen
Baby - Ultrasound - Intro from Sara Matthew Hoss Hop-sing Clem on Vimeo
Baby - Ultrasound - Session from Sara Matthew Hoss Hop-sing Clem on Vimeo
Baby - Hoss - Brother Announcement from Sara Matthew Hoss Hop-sing Clem on Vimeo
We're having a boy! We went for our first ultrasound (see the second video), and apparently our little Coconut has a "Texas-sized penis." Um, okay...
We were ecstatic to get our first glimpse inside my uterus. Honestly, I was expecting it to be a boy (for somewhat unscientific reasons). First, I didn't have much morning sickness. Second, our baby's heart usually registers on the lower end of the scale. And, third, my body is staying pretty much the same, except for my expanding basketball-belly.
Of course, there's pretty much a 50/50 chance of guessing right, so it's not exactly some psychic feat...
Before I was pregnant, I always wanted a girl. After I got pregnant, I honestly didn't care either way. In a super-shallow way, I'm a little disappointed that I won't get to sew a bunch of summer dresses, but I'm eager to try and raise a sensitive, caring, and passionate male. It helps that two of my favorite bloggers, Kristina and Meg, are busy raising some of the cutest boy babies I've ever seen.
Our household will officially balance out: Matt + Hoss + Coconut = Boys; Me + Hop-Sing + Clem = Girls (I'm joking about this, but the thought did occur to me, so I thought I would share).
I've been having some anxiety around various things (both my belly and breasts have gotten significantly smaller this past week; the ultrasound couldn't detect a gallbladder, which can be pretty serious; and our baby's head looks very weird in some of the ultrasound pictures). I have another appointment with my midwife in about a week, so in the meantime, I'm just trying to remind myself that this kind of anxiety is common but that the most important thing to do is relax. I'm also trying to remind myself that we will be able to deal with whatever issues come our way.
Other than that, I'm still thoroughly enjoying the second trimester. I'm officially 19 weeks pregnant today!
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Pregnancy-n-Birth
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Purposeful Parenthood
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Good Times
Photos taken with our refurbished Nikon D60
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Pregnancy-n-Birth
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Pregnancy-n-Birth
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Books, Purposeful Parenthood
Make your own disco ball costume
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Crafting
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Health-n-Wellness
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Books, Grounding Ourselves
"This was an excellent course and a lot of thought, research, hard work, and love went into it - that is obvious. It was comforting to find a community of others who are really taking the time to plan for conception and parenthood, because I don't find that among my local community. Great job, Sara. Really and truly. This course was a big help to me and I will definitely recommend it to others!"
"I think that this course really shines in the lessons that require self-reflection. You brought up several issues that I hadn't really considered."
"Thanks to all the reflection, guided discussions, and useful advice from this course, [my] worry/fear has pretty much disappeared. My partner and I have figured out what 'ready' means to us, and it's not as hard as we thought it would be to get there. We have a short to-do list with achievable goals. I'm happy to be where I am right now in my life."
"Thanks for taking the time to put all of this information together and for sharing so much of yourself with us. I enjoyed the course."
"After working through the course I feel much more comfortable with the idea of having a child and much more prepared to expand my family."
"I was very ambivalent about having a child before taking this course. I now know that my husband and I are more prepared than I thought we were to have a child. For the areas in which we need some work, I now have concrete action steps to complete...It's wonderful to actually be excited about this next step instead of fearful or unsure."
"I have a long way to go, but I want to work on myself before having a baby. This course has helped me identify concrete areas that need work."
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: E-Courses
From Finn's room over at Sew Liberated
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Purposeful Parenthood
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: In the Kitchen
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Health-n-Wellness
Image courtesy the Nikki McClure calendar
Posted by
Sara E. Cotner
Labels: Reflection-n-Rejuvenation