Saying Farewell to 2017 (See You in 2018!)
We are so close to the end of the year, my friends!
I do feel like I've made the most of this year. I am so grateful for all that I have, and I want to savor every last bit of it.
I'm still brainstorming what I hope to manifest in 2018. I started writing a lot of different things on one single page: savor, being rather than doing, family goals, slow to say yes and fast to say no, sustain, friends/connection, ukulele, tennis, Saturday Suppers, starting an Austin chapter of Navigators, 40th birthday party, podcast, a weekend away with Matt, getting our will done, therapy, beautiful office.
Then I started circling the things that stood out to me.
Then I remembered something I've been working on this year professionally--before I commit to taking on new things, I make a list of all the things I want to sustain because the energy/capacity we have to take on new things is connected to what we are trying to sustain.
I want to sustain:
- Leadership coaching
- Vacations: Spring, Summer, Fall
- Two runs per week outside
- Stopping work at 8pm so I have free time
- Tracking expenses in
- Family Goals
- Saturday Suppers
- Adequate sleep
- Meditation/gratitude
- Date night
That's so much already! Do I really want to take on anything new?
So I went through my favorite exercise: asking myself what I need on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis to feel fulfilled.
- A home cooked meal with my family around our table
- Adequate sleep
- Meaningful work that makes the world a more just, equitable, and peaceful place
- Time to connect with Matt
- A breakfast smoothie
- A healthy lunch
- Self-directed time
- An organized living space
- Exercise
- Time to talk to my mom
- Time to text/talk with family/friends
- Blogging
- Self-time in the house alone
- Time to prepare for the week
- Pedicure
- Cheap massage
- Saturday Supper
- Navigators meeting
- A cool adventure
- Crafting
- Date night with Matt
- Time to reflect on progress toward my yearly goals
- Therapy
- Vacations
- Birthday celebrations
- A trip by myself
- A trip with just Matt alone
- Family rituals
So what's starting to emerge for me is this idea of Sustain & Strengthen or Sustain & Deepen. I'm already doing so many things I want to do and living the life I want to live. I just need to sustain what I'm doing.
I'm going to think about this more over the rest of the holiday season and into the new year.
I'm wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a rejuvenating new year! See you on the other side!

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JOIN US!: Registration is currently open for the next Purposeful Conception Course: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy, which starts on January 8! Register now! We'd love to have you join us!