Friday, December 11, 2009

Reducing Nasty Chemicals in My Life

Reading the recent New York Times article about working on marriage (well, I have to confess I'm only on page five), has reminded me that Matt and I want to solidify our marriage before we jump into the sea of parenthood.

We started the process by taking a marriage class back in August, but we haven't done much since then. We've been trying to enroll in therapy together for a while, but we haven't gotten around to finding someone.

It's so easy to skip straight to the baby stuff. I only meant to read a book or two about preparing one's body for conception, but I quickly realized that pretty much every pregnancy book has information about pre-conception. My most recent read--The Complete Organic Pregnancy--is all about trying to eliminate nasty chemicals from your life (ostensibly to be your healthiest possible self for a baby, but also just for you).

I wanted to capture my to-do list before I have to return the book to the library:

  1. I need to go to the dentist. I know this seems unrelated. But I haven't been in almost two years. I need to go. Period. I really want to find a biological dentist who runs a mercury-free practice. Gosh. I really hate thinking about dentists.
  2. Schedule a general check-up. I am behind on this front, too. Argh! I used to be so good about going to the gynecologist every year and the dentist every six months.
  3. Start looking for a midwife.
  4. Start visiting hospitals and birthing centers and exploring the home-birth option.
  5. Find a saltwater pool to swim in when I'm pregnant.
  6. Switch to all-organic body products (the book recommends the site for product recommendations).
  7. Get a vegetable brush to clean off wax and other crap from my fruits and vegetables.
  8. Get a device to remove chlorine from our shower (any recommendations?).
Phew. Thanks for letting me dump my to-do list here. I have to translate my next steps from a book into some sort of list or else I totally forget everything.

Oops. I almost forgot the marriage items:
  1. Find a marriage counselor.
  2. Start printing out copies of our photographs and putting them in an album or binder or something.

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