Matt and I Are Having a Baby!

On my way to the backyard, I found myself wondering why I didn't wait just one more day to take the test, so that Matt and I could have one more day before changing our lives completely.
I spent a few minutes relaxing with Matt, Hoss, and the chickens in the backyard and then asked Matt to come inside and read the results with me. The pregnancy test was a random free one that came within a box of ovulation test strips, so we didn't have any instructions for it. We stared at it for a second and realized it had a faint line intersected by a very dark line. Matt said, "That dark line must be a negative sign." I agreed but then quickly realized that the dark line was the vertical line and the light line was the horizontal control line. We were pretty sure we were pregnant, but we decided to retest after dinner.
And then we went to dinner pretty much like normal. We did talk and wonder about the baby, but it still felt like just us. It didn't feel like our lives had changed completely (yet).
I am still shocked that our conscious conception process took only one cycle. I've known all along that conception is not something we can plan. We can invite it into our lives by creating the most welcoming conditions, but that's where our control stops. And the same thing goes for pregnancy. I will now do everything in my power to create the conditions for a healthy pregnancy, but that's where my control stops. I have to recognize that and embrace it.
I'm excited about this journey!
*The timing of this blog has been a little off for various reasons. First, Matt wanted to wait until our first appointment with the midwife to confirm the pregnancy before announcing it to the world. Secondly, I've been writing posts about things happening in my life at the moment but then scheduling them to run later in the month, so I could keep a consistent posting schedule, despite my various trips. It's been driving me crazy to have such a lag between what's happening versus what you're reading, but it will normalize pretty soon!
That's fantastic! Long-time lurker that drifted across from the wedding site and I am so glad to see your dream come true!
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see you are as fertile as anything!
whoo!! :-D
Congratulations, such wonderful news! All the best to your family!
Were you charting or just let things happen?
And welcome to your new journey of life.
Congratulations!! That is excellent!
Congratulations. I am so happy for you and your husband =) And Hoss!
Congratulations! I really couldn't be happier for you!
Congratulations Sara and Matt! I'm thrilled for you. All the best!
Congrats! You will make such a wonderful mother!
Yay yay yay! I am so happy for you! You've mentioned creating the best possible environment to conceive a little partner and I are in the same boat (and I don't have regular cycles AT ALL!) Is there anything you did that you feel made the biggest difference? (vitamins, a certain food, yoga, etc?)
Miss Planner/Fretter-pants, I KNEW this would happen to you!!! CONGRATULATIONS! :)
Ha! I knew it! Congratulations!
Oh Sarah I am so, so happy for you! What a joyful discovery!
Congratulations!!! Now we are in the same phase again! :) Woo hoo! When are you due?
@ Everyone: Thank you for your well-wishes! It is so, so nice to have this community to turn to on a daily basis.
@ Cecy (sorry, I don't know how to get my computer to do the accent aigu!): Yes, I was charting my temperature and cervical fluid, based on the information I learned from the books Taking Charge of Your Fertility and Making Babies.
@ Heather: I did a lot to prepare myself for conception, including improving my nutrition, taking pre-natal vitamins, exercising, reducing stress, strengthening our finances, staying hydrated, researching birth options and finding a care provider, strengthening my relationship with Matt, discussing our readiness levels, making space in my life for pregnancy, etc. I went to an acupuncturist to discuss my irregular cycle but decided not to undergo acupuncture until I had tried to eliminate as much stress from my life as possible. If you're interested, my five-week e-course about Purposeful Conception begins on August 1st. We'll be talking through all of the different components that go into creating a solid foundation for conception. You can read more about it here:
Congrats!! I'm so happy for you!
Thank you for sharing your great news with us! I know you are thrilled to be on this journey.
As a long time reader, I'm so thrilled to see this! I got married exactly two years ago today and am watching my beautiful 9 month old daughter sleep. I approached pregnancy with much the same mindset as you and had a lovely near-year of gestating and an amazing home waterbirth--I hope you guys find someone you trust and connect with to attend your birth.
Btw, if you haven't looked into side carring a crib to your bed at the beginning---do it! It was a life saver. :)
Congratulations, Sarah! I'm so happy for you.
Adding my voice to the chorus: I'm so excited for you and Matt and your growing family! (and excited for myself as we get to read along with the process...)
Congrats! May it be a completely boring normal and uneventful pregnancy.
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you.
Coming out of lurkdom to say: :D :D :D :D. Congratulations!
that is SO EXCITING! congrats!
I am so excited for you both! Congratulations!
Congrats! I know this is something that you've been wanting!*
Congratulations! Proper, mindful preparations pay off. :-)
Congrats! Wow, one cycle, that is incredible. I am so happy for you both and I know you will be great parents.
Every now and then, when I need a life pick me up, I visit your other blog. (Seeing that I have no fiance and no prospects, I suppose it could be seen as strange, but I have a lot of hope.) About a month ago on my last visit, I found that you had this blog, so Ive been silently folowing - I just had to say congratualtions!! I so happy for you.
Congratulations!!! How exciting!!!
Congrats! So excited for you!
ahhhhhh!!!!! I am so thrilled for both of you! Congratulations!
I'm another lurker who read every drop of $2000 Wedding while preparing for my wedding last year. Then recently found out about Feed the Soil and followed you here. I feel like I know you and couldn't be happier for you and your family.
Congrats Sara, how exciting!!!
Congratulations! I've had a great time reading your blogs, and hope to use them as a great resource and inspiration in the years ahead.
Congrats to all of you! I've also so enjoyed reading your inspiring blogs. Best of luck with the pregnancy!
Oh, I'm so delighted for and with you! Cheers to your little family on this journey of growth and discovery!
Hi Sara, regular reader here. Congratulations to the both of you! I've always checked on your blog to see your progress in conceiving. I'm also trying to have a baby and hopefully I'll be blessed with a little one soon.
Take care!
Congrats on your new adventure!
Hi Sara, It's your neighbor one street over. I met you at that awesome Neighbors Night Out you threw. I check in on your blogs every now and again and was so happy to read this post. Congratulations! Good news for us too as I'm pregnant also. If you need a pregnant walking partner once it gets cool or just someone nearby to talk let me know.
Congrats again! Angie
Holy buckets! I'm SO excited for you both; I can't wait to follow you along this new journey :) I just returned from my honeymoon with my new husband, and I am literally bursting with happiness for you.
All the best wishes to you and Matt!
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