Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tate's First Birthday Party

Tate is almost one. Wow!

It's time to start party planning. I'm excited to celebrate this little guy.

So far we've kept all of Henry's birthday parties simple with a little celebration at home. I think that's the route we'll go again.


  • 11:30am-2:30pm is his most vibrant awake time during the day, and it's perfect for serving lunch. Then again, it might be more fun to have an afternoon/evening party, since it will be a little cooler outside and we could move out to the deck. 
Tate loves being outside, so I do think an evening/dinner party would be fun. 
  • Baby pool
  • Bubbles
  • Hose + dirt = mud fun for the three year-olds
I think the best part of Tate's birthday will be preparing for it with Henry. What kinds of things could we make together? 
  • Homemade lemonade
  • Birthday cake, of course, with a giant one made out of blueberries? 
  • Feta, pesto, and cherry tomato pasta? 
  • And maybe macaroni and cheese?
  • Garlic bread? 
  • Fruit kabobs? 
  • Hang our birthday banner
  • Set out Tate's first-year scrapbook (better finish it!)
  • Set out Skin So Soft for people who want a little protection from the mosquitoes
  • Make a cardboard 1 for a group photo (which Henry can help paint, and it will be faster than making a piñata!)
  • Oh, balloons. I think Tate will get a kick out of those.  

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Artlover said...

Sounds like a joyful day is in store! Just one question: Is the mud fun only for three yr olds?? I can imagine an adult or two (Matt ;)) wanting to get in on that!

Artlover said...

Artlover aka Brandi :)

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