February: Reflection & Rejuvenation
February is here. So fast! We are already 1/12 of the way through the year with just a blink of an eye. How did that happen?
Here's what I set out to do this month:
- Organize Henry’s closet: Yes!
- Organize junk drawer: Yes!
- Get our wood siding refinished: Nope. We decided to use the money in our Home Improvement budget to buy this IKEA desk in white for Matt.
- Paint our deck: No, see reason above.
- Plan Reflection & Rejuvenation retreat (e-mail me for details!): Yes! It's on the calendar for July in Austin!
- Get budget set: Yes!
- Work one hour a night and balance our chores: Um, I've still been working 3-4 hours a night, but I have gotten better at balancing our chores.
- Invite friends over: Yes! We spontaneously invited our neighbors over on a lovely Sunday afternoon. I recently read this article about inviting friends over and not stressing about it, and I tried to channel it as I served a regular ol' meal to them!
- Date night! Yes! And we have one on the calendar for February, too.
- Plan First Thursday Fun for next month: Yes! A friend and I will be going out for dinner.
- Drink 80 ounces of water a day: I'm doing this most days, I think.
- Run at least once a week: Yes! Well, in my Writer's Notebook, I track this goal as needing to run four times a month. I saved it until the very last minute, so I've had to run every weekend day since MLK Day.
- Stretch at least three times a week: Matt and I have built this into our nightly routine, and we now do it pretty regularly.
- Trade out the boys’ toys weekly: I've been trying to, but Henry honestly doesn't have many toys to trade out!
- Plan Henry's birthday party: Yes!
Wow. That feels pretty productive. New Year's Resolutions are easiest to maintain in January, right?
Now I need to go to my list of goals for the year and see what I have on the agenda for February:
- Purge and organize our entryway
- Work one hour a night and balance our chores
- Invite friends over
- Plan First Thursday Fun for March
- Drink 80 ounces of water a day
- Run at least once a week (for a total of four times in February)
- Stretch at least three times a week
- Trade out the boys’ toys weekly
- Submit our house to Dwell Magazine for consideration
- Introduce a new meal to our rotation
- Get our taxes done
Those goals seem pretty reasonable!
I just love your monthly goals and how you check back in with yourself!
Three cheers for goals and progress- but also- thanks for linking such a wonderful article! We need some Friday Night Meatballs here.
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