Tuesday, April 12, 2016

An Update on Our Family Goals


It’s been fun having family goals this year, and it’s been particularly helpful to keep track of them on our fridge. We recently completed a goal for the year: Go on two road trips.

We took our first road trip to Oklahoma to meet a Feeding the Soil kindred spirit for the first time.

We took our second road trip back to Dallas to visit our dear friends.

We also recently did a family volunteering activity where we went to a homeless shelter and made a meal. We’ll be doing another experience later this month where we travel to a senior living center to make crafts with the residents.

We’re making pretty steady progress together. I think the area we really need to focus on is getting our next chapter book. I’ve been terrible about taking the boys to the library. I honestly don’t have any excuse. It is literally between our school and our home (which is only a 1.9-mile commute). Actually, maybe I’ll see if Henry can borrow Little House on the Prairie from our school library!

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