I Heart the Elfa Closet System
I've been a huge fan of the Container Store Elfa closet system for three years now. We splurged on it when we first moved into the house, taking advantage of their 30% of sale. Our house is 1,800 square feet for a family of four without a garage, so we try to maximize our space however and whenever we can. This closet system helps us use all the available area.
I renewed my vows with the Elfa system this year when we consolidated Henry and Tate into the same room. The system is completely interchangeable, so we were able to reconfigure our closets to align with our current needs. It was amazing! We moved shelves up, down, and over, and we even moved one of the clothes rods from Tate's old room into his new room (along with one of the sliding drawers that comes with the system). It's so versatile, strong, and easy to use.
I promise I'm not making any money off of this post--I just love this system and highly recommend it!
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