Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Reflection & Rejuvenation: February

The new year!

Oh, how much easier it is to stick to intentions and goals in the new year...

By the end of the year, I want to be able to say that I feel balanced, connected, full of vitality, and at peace. I want to keep my bucket full, so that I can interact with others from a place of patience, love, and joy. I'm about an 8 toward this goal right now! Not too shabby.

Here are the things I'm trying to do toward the above goal this year:

  1. Run at least twice a week and do yoga at least once a week. Running = 90% of my goal this month. Woo-hoo! Yoga = 0%. I'm having a hard time fitting this one in because of #4 (see below). I can't finish my work before I need to go to yoga, which would then necessitate working late into the evening, which I haven't wanted to do. I have also had a TON of evening meetings this month.
  2. Eat in a balanced and healthy way. Yes! I've only had one additional unhealthy restaurant meal and one extra treat. 
  3. Continue my daily meditation and gratitude practice. I meditated 79% of the days in January (I use the Insight Timer app).
  4. Stop working at 8pm to create two hours of free time for myself each evening. I did a lot better than I have in the past! I should start tracking this.
  5. Attend therapy every other week and attend leadership coaching every other week. I started the leadership coaching this month! 
  6. Take a pottery class. Later in the year...
  7. Host a Sunday Supper at least ten times this year. Not yet...
  8. Religiously use to track our expenses. We have categorized all our expenses so far!
  9. Restore our house each night. Better! 
  10. Go on a retreat by myself. Later in the year...
  11. Go on a trip with Matt. Later in the year...

I also worked with Henry to plan his birthday party for next month. 

Up this month: Everything above plus...
  • Getting our taxes done
  • Organize our office desk
  • Organize the boys' bathroom (now that everything has a place in our house, I want to go back through one area per month to maintain it). 
I'm going to write this goals up on our giant kitchen whiteboard, so that they are front and center all month long! 

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