Family Goals: Update
The new year is almost upon us. It has caused me to go back to our Family Goals to see if we are on track. We have volunteered more than twice, read more than three chapter books, gone on more than three vacations, saved money for new deck railings (but not a hot tub), hosted 10 events at our home, and hung out at a creek in the summer.
I realized we only went to one instead of two performances, so I quickly found a random aerial performance in East Austin. It looks quirky and has definitely piqued my interest!
We also never went camping. So camping it is! We are so unprepared for camping. We don't even have a cooler. But we are going camping!
I've started a project plan because that always helps to calm me down.
It's weird. I have camped a lot in my life, but there's something about family camping that gives me pause. I think it's the fact that my degree of responsibility has gone up so much. I used to just have to worry about myself.

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We went camping as a family for the first time last Thanksgiving and it was stressful to prep for but amazing once we went. We're doing the exact same thing and I'm so much less stressed - of course we'll see how I feel when I'm packing everything next week 😁
Please share any tips and tricks you have!
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