Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer Plans

My brother and me two summers ago in the mountains of Colorado

If my obsessive planning rubs you the wrong way or if you think I overextend myself and need to relax more, you might not want to read this post.

Just saying.

You see, during the boring minutes of my photography workshop (which was only about 15 minutes out of an entire day), I decided to finalize my list of what I want to do with my wide-open summer (thank you to the antiquated K-12 educational system that still has us on an agrarian schedule!).

I started brainstorming a list a while back, but I wanted to solidify it, as well as give myself a loose structure to the day. I know I need to relax and destress (especially as Matt and I start trying to conceive in June), but I also want to work on projects that I haven't had a chance to work on during the busy school year.

So, without further ado, here is the list:

  1. Prepare my workshop for the KIPP School Summit
  2. Travel to Las Vegas to present the workshop and take a side trip to the Grand Canyon
  3. Make my blogs look a bit nicer
  4. Prepare my body for pregnancy and birth through cardiovascular and strength training
  5. Attend a yoga retreat with my best friend
  6. Travel with Matt through California and into British Columbia
  7. Revise my book about tying the knot in a meaningful and memorable way without losing your savings or sanity
  8. Visit a progressive charter school in Waco Texas
  9. Work on creating an e-course
  10. Study Spanish
  11. Complete the Taking Flight course
  12. Start working on a charter school application for the Montessori International Baccalaureate school I want to create
  13. Collaborate with my colleagues to prepare for next year
  14. Attend professional development with a friend in Austin

I know it sounds like a lot, but I promise it's actually a very relaxed (and fun!) schedule. Here's what my loose schedule looks like during the weeks when I'm not traveling:
  • 8:00-9:00 = Check e-mail and work on Taking Flight class
  • 9:00-11:00 = Exercise and walk at the Arboretum
  • 11:00-12:00 = Update blogs
  • 12:00-2:00 = Revise book
  • 2:00-whenever = Work on specific projects

Of course I will abandon the schedule if fun opportunities with friends pop up. Or if I want to sleep in and watch a movie. I pinky promise!

I just like have a loose schedule for myself to make sure I accomplish everything I want to accomplish and feel productive and purposeful.

I'm excited!

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Roxanne said...

I think your goals for your summer are very admirable! You are lucky to have that time off, and it seems like you'll be taking every advantage of that.

Not to suggest that you need to add another thing into your already packed schedule, but there is a two day mini-conference for teachers at the MFAH you might like also : http://mfah.org/education.asp?par1=4&par2=17&par3=4&par4=1&par5=1&par6=1&par7=&lgc=5&eid=&currentPage=

Good luck!

Princess Christy said...

You've inspired me to develop my own to-do list so that I get everything accomplished this summer. I am very grateful that our school is also slightly outdated with summers off!

Kristy said...

You are indeed a compulsive planner. I find myself making lists whenever I have a chance.. especially grocery lists and meal plans. You know what they say.."Busy people get things done". I'd love to hear more about your charter school plans!

Ms. Loaf said...

Love the planning. I am so like this too.

I am working on an e-course too! They seem to be popping up all over. Maybe we can brainstorm together? I'd love your input and advice.

Good luck accomplishing your summer goals!

Catfish said...

Ah, the Arboretum is my favorite exercise place!

Just curious, what is the school you are planning on visiting?

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