Registration is now open for the next (and probably last)
Purposeful Conception Course: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy!
As I mentioned in
this post, Matt and I are trying to figure out when/if we want to have another child. I'm in a place where I think I'll regret it in twenty years if we only nurtured one little soul into the world and now feels like the best time career-wise, but it's not a decision I can make on my own.
That's why I'm so excited about this next round of Purposeful Conception! I'm eager to work through the course with Matt. A) It will help me get my body and my life ready for conception in case we decide to start trying. B) It will help us work through all the emotional issues surrounding conception and pregnancy.
I'm looking forward to the renewal and focus that can come from working through a course with other kindred spirits. This course will probably be the last round I run for a while, since I am trying to make space in my own life to give birth to a school, a community, and perhaps another child.
Here's some of the feedback from the last course:
"My husband and I are rarely practical and simply enrolling in this course has allowed us to prepare for conception in a way that is well-rounded, but not overly, well, overwhelming! If left to my own devices to study from various sources, I would have put it off, and then been overwhelmed by all of the different information from different places! This way, we've done our 'homework' but in a way that works well with our personalities!"--Sarah
And here's what Kyla had to say:
"What I learned most from this course is that I'm more prepared for conception and parenthood than I thought I was. It's nice to have that reassurance. Thank you for putting in the time and effort to do all of this research and synthesizing the information for us!"
I did get some pretty harsh criticism that the course was part of the Baby Industrial Complex, trying to guilt people into spending more money to feel prepared for conception. That comment definitely hurt my feelings because I am so anti-industrial complexes (like the
Wedding Industrial Complex!) and I would never want people to feel pressured in any way, shape, or form to spend money on something out of guilt. The course is designed to be a well-rounded compendium of how to prepare your mind, body, and life for conception. It includes lots of information that is already out there (such as the information related to nutrition, exercise, etc.) in an attempt to cover all the bases, but it includes lots of information that I never came across during my conception research (mainly related to truly preparing your life and your partnership for pregnancy and doing the emotional work it takes to get yourself in the right place to enter parenthood).
So for those of you who want to join what will probably the last class, a new lesson will be uploaded each weekday from
May 7 through
June 1. The lessons will address a comprehensive range of topics, such as preparing your body through solid nutrition and exercise, finding balance between what you can and cannot control, making space in your life for pregnancy, deciding whether to track your cycle, building a solid partnership as a foundation for your future family, and much, much more. As a participant in the course, you'll receive information, tips, reflection exercises and prompts, access to interviews, and a community of like-minded kindred spirits who are on a journey similar to your own.
The course doesn't presume that doing x, y, and z will lead to pregnancy. Instead, the idea is to focus on the things we can control in order to create a solid foundation (e.g., nutrition, stress levels, relationships, finances, etc.) and to make peace with the things we cannot control about the process.
Interested in learning more? Visit the
Course Overview or
About the Author. Spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis and will be limited to the first 100 participants. The total cost is $99 USD.
Register Now! Or
e-mail me with more questions. Happy Conceiving!
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