Monday, April 30, 2012

I Might Be Pregnant

Life has been so busy happening that I haven't had a chance to write about it. First, I was working hard to maintain my patience while Matt was out of town and then my bonus parents were in town and then I had to prepare and implement a booth at the Austin Earth Day Festival for Magnolia Montessori For All. Along the way, I managed to lose my Life Binder and we put an offer on the piece of land I've been telling you about and I've been going back and forth with the publisher to get my book cover and title just right and Matt decided he was ready to start trying for a second child and I happened to be ovulating so we started trying that day and now I think I'm pregnant. 

How's that for an update? 

But let's back up. I don't have any concrete evidence that I'm pregnant; I just feel weird. It's the same kind of weirdness I felt in the days after Henry's conception (even though I've read you aren't supposed to feel anything at all). I hesitate even saying any of this because I tend to have a mild case of hypochondria, and I think this is one of those cases when psychosomatic symptoms can definitely come into play. I will definitely feel foolish in a few weeks if I'm back here reporting that I'm not, in fact, pregnant, but I try to keep you updated along the way, so there you have it.

How have you been?

Photo from Henry's first haircut (he's already had two!)

REMINDER: The last Purposeful Conception Course: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy starts a week from today. Register today! We'd love to have you join us!

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Julie m said...

So exciting, I'll keep fingers crossed for you!

Anonymous said...

i have not been nearly as busy as you, my dear! ;)

Cécy said...

I hope it works for you, but if it doesn't don't worry. It may not always be as easy as your first one was ;)

Kelsey said...

Oh wow Sara! That would be so exciting!! I'll be thinking of you sweet friend!

Meghan said...

wow, Sara! My fingers are crossed for you. Lots of big news in your life - so exciting!!

Unknown said...

Whoa. Big news! (If only it were this easy for all of us!) No matter what, I hope that it's all that you want, and more.

Stephanie said...

We've been on the same sort of roller coaster ride. That is very exciting news. I hope it goes well for you guys :)

Sara said...

Sara, how I've missed your posts and wondered about you! I'm so glad to hear that things are quite busy in your neck of the woods - everything sounds so exciting! I know that you'll keep us posted :)

Kristy said...

I was also wondering about the lack of posts but this makes sense! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

mpeachase said...

Congratulations on the potentially exciting news. :) My husband and I experienced a very similar situation in that we were very set on one child, decided maybe we'd try for a second, tried ONE TIME, and got pregnant. Sadly, I lost the baby at 6 weeks, and now we're deciding whether to try again. Whether to have a second child has been a constant topic of discussion since my son was born 28 months ago, and has caused a lot of stress. I truly appreciate your honesty about your own journey, and willingness to share your story.

Allison Campbell said...

I assumed you'd been under water from the lack of posting -- but holy cow! Congratulations :) Glad to hear you've resurfaced in one piece :).

Sara E. Cotner said...

Thanks for chiming in, Everyone! It's good to be back.

@mpeachase: Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm wishing you and your family well!

Anonymous said...

Crazy, because I might be pregnant also. Should be able to test tomorrow to find out.

Sara E. Cotner said...

@ Anonymous: How many days did you wait to test?

RobynC said...

I always get a feeling when I am before it's even time to test it's like you can feel their little soul joining yours and it's wonderful! Congrats!

Kelly said...

No need to feel foolish either way! I was convinced I was pregnant last week until I finally got my period (late). It's normal to imagine that symptoms are related, even if you're not a hypochondriac. Even though all the tests these days are supposed to give early results, the experts say to wait until your expected period date to get the most accurate results. Thanks for sharing and good luck with all your projects!

Anthropolochic said...

Congrats on the potential pregnancy. I'm 12 weeks with my first and had that same feeling after our only attempt. About a week afterwards I really believed I was pregnant. I think my brain just picked up on a little signs of implantation that I didn't really consciously notice. Even when I had a negative early test I still believed I was pregnant...and the test on week 4 confirmed it.

Certainly no reason to feel foolish either way. This is an exciting time. If you are wrong, what have you lost? You are 10-14 days to the next try. To a certain extent I think keeping things on the down low while your ride out the first trimester is similar to not talking about a potential pregnancy before the test. The early weeks are a dicey time so you might as well celebrate your win. I walked out the doctor's office 2 days after my test and told the first person I saw on the street - a total stranger - that I was pregnant. Thinking you might be pregnant when you want to be pregnant really is a win.

Congratulations. I'll enjoy reading more about this in the future.

Sara E. Cotner said...

Congratulations, Anthropolochic!

I had a negative pregnancy test last night, but I'll keep you updated...

Bethany H. said...

For about two weeks I swore up and down I was pregnant. Alas, after that second week, (and two negative tests) I got my period. My beau and I are trying, though, and hoping to conceive before he reenlists in the military (US Air Force. He previously served in the Navy for 9 years) I'm wishing you the best!!
I so wish I could sign up for your Purposeful Conception class but living on one income, and starting college next semester leaves no extra money at all. :( Any chance you'll be doing a contest or anything to win a "scholarship"? If not, could you maybe suggest a few must read books I could possibly get from the library?
Thanks, Sara! I'll be looking forward to your next update! :)

Bethany H. said...

*edit: we have money in savings for baby, and continue to save as much as possible for when/if I am able to conceive, but we're trying to keep as much there as possible. That sounded weird saying we were broke but trying to have a baby. Lol. :)

Liz said...

Anthropolochic: might I suggest that lots of people don't get pregnant on their first try or in their first year of trying (or in their second, etc), so "what have you lost" can come off as a little insulting/insensitive. Each cycle that I am convinced that I'm pregnant only to find out that I'm not is kind of awful. Just so you know.

Anthropolochic said...

well - I should clarify that this was my only attempt during this year. We had tried in two spurts over the previous two years and had not been successful. We took a calculated risk and took about a 12 month break (I'm in my mid-late 30s) and tried this March - so I know how it feels to try and hope and wish and not be pregnant. I felt crushing disappointment but, and I realize this might be just me, I did not feel I had lost anything. I took the celebrating the possibility that I might be pregnant when I didn't know for sure because it made me feel nice. That's all I was trying to convey here. I can understand, however, that my note hurt your feelings and for that I am sorry.

Anthropolochic said...

Thanks Sara. Fingers crossed for you and all trying.

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