Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Book Club

I'm going to a parenting book club this month, and the book is Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline: The 7 Basic Skills for Turning Conflict into Cooperation. For any of you who live in Austin and want to join, you can find the information here.

Here's the description of the book:

Have you ever opened your mouth to discipline your child, and your parents' nastiest words tumble out? In an era when most parenting books focus on the child, this book supports parents in dealing more positively with themselves as well as their toddler–to–school–age children, offering specific tools to stop policing and pleading with kids and start being the parents we want to be.

Based on Dr. Bailey's more than 25 years of work with children, this book explains that how we discipline ourselves is ultimately how we discipline our children. Her "Seven Powers for Self–Control" dramatically increase our ability to keep our cool with our children. These correspond to "Seven Basic Discipline Skills" we can use with our children in conflict situations. As children internalise these skills, they naturally learn "Seven Values for Living," which include integrity, respect, compassion, and responsibility.

While I was looking for the description, I came across this book that looks interesting, too: I Love You Rituals. I'm going to get both of them from the library.

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1 comment:

Sharpiegirl said...

When I find myself doing that with my stepson I (physically shudder, then) do exactly the opposite that I had done to me.
Sometimes it really isn't that big of an issue. Just gotta stick to the ones that are....let the little ones go. I remind myself he is 17 and just trying on being an adult. Amazingly he ends up making the right decision all by himself.

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