Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Natural Deodorant Saga Continues

Argh. How many more posts will I have to write before I settle on a final solution? 

The pursuit of more healthy deodorant is not something I want to give up on. I'm honestly nervous about the potential carcinogens lurking in the products we use day in and day out (I tried to stop using canned beans to avoid BPA, but I really can't get my act together to soak and cook them so far in advance; instead, I'm switching to Eden Organics, which uses BPA-free cans--and, by the way, seems to have some awesome, easy recipes on their website!).

As a recap of where I've been on this Natural Deodorant Journey:
  1. If you're okay splurging on deodorant, I highly recommend this one from Etsy. It smells amazing, and it works really, really well (I'm a sweaty person and I live in Central Texas, so you can trust me on this). It's a little annoying to apply your deodorant with your fingers every day, but it's worth it for the peace of mind (and the lovely smell).
  2. If you want to conserve money, I recommend that you make your own deodorant using this recipe. It's amazingly simple and it works really well. I wish this option worked for me.
  3. If--like me--you are allergic to baking soda, I recommend that you opt for mineral salts in spray form (like this one). It's inexpensive and it works surprisingly well. 
That's where I am now. Some days it seems like it doesn't work as well, but I honestly think it's because our washing machine doesn't work very well. I think it leaves behind a residue that makes me start the day at a disadvantage. I'm sure that's more than what you wanted to know about me.

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Lady G said...

Hi Sara! I'm also still trying to find the perfect natural deodorant...but it's the mineral salts that didn't work for me.
As far as the residue goes I've also had that problem but it was gone within a month of using homemade laundry soap to wash my clothes and vinegar to rinse them. Also I found that a paste of baking soda and peroxide worked on the worst armpit stains and stinks. But didn't ruin my shirts yet.
I think my residue was from the regular deodorants and it just didn't wash out (ewwww) and collected sweat and grime. So it took some scrubbing on my workout stuff and multiple rinses with vinegar for it all to be gone.
The only problem I have with the laundry soap is that you have to use warm water to wash...cold wont work. But the best part is it's 3 ingredients...no fillers, dyes, perfumes, or preservatives. And the vinegar rinse can be tricky. It was recommended that I use 1/2 cup for a load...but that came out reeking like pickles. Now I know to use 1/3 cup for huge loads and 1/4 cup for just about everything else. Not stinky when it dries!
Good luck finding the right solution!

Kamilla said...

Hi Sara,
I've been lucky and option #2 works well for me. For smelly clothes & residues I spray all armpits of all my clothes with straight vinegar after wearing/ before washing. It's amazing at absorbing smells and dissolving build-up! And it comes out in the wash. Sometimes it takes a few applications to deal with built-up smell. Good luck to you.

Shawn said...

I'm in a similar place you are. The soapwalla was working so great and I really didn't mind the price much because it actually worked! But then it starting causing itching and redness. I tried other deodorants from Bubble and Bee, which sells a whole range of organic, natural deodorants, but they all failed me. Now I'm pretty much using Tom's or Trader Joe's deodorant with Cotton. The Trader Joe's works okay - I'm not sure it's completely natural, but it is aluminum free. I'm not totally happy with either of these products - they don't leave me 100% fresh smelling by the end of the day. Did you ever order the re-formulated baking soda free Soapwalla? I would fear that it would still irritate me or just not be effective enough. If I find something great I'll be sure to share!

Sara E. Cotner said...

Yes, Shawn! I forgot to mention that I tried a $6 sample of baking soda-free stuff from Soapwalla. It did not work out at all. You should try to spray mineral stuff. It cost me less than $5 at Whole Foods. Best of luck to you!

Anthropolochic said...

I use Tom's of Maine Lemongrass deodorant- in anything but the stickiest of weather. Is this a possibility for you? I occasionally sub in everyday antiperspirant on the really hot and humid days though.

Lynna said...

Hi Sara... I'm glad to see that you took my suggestion and tried the Thai Crystal spray! I mentioned it a couple of times and wondered if you ever tried it.

Amy Ford said...

I know you are so very busy but if you'd ever find time to write a guest post on my blog about your natural deodorant saga I think my readers would eat it right up!

Let me know.


beneg said...

Hi Sara!
Wanted to share a deodorant that I have been using for a few weeks now. So far so good, although I have to reapply once during the day. Really easy to wash off your hands though, so reapplication isn't a drama.

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