Monday, October 22, 2012

Well, I'm Pregnant!

Yeah, I'm in disbelief, too. 

After a negative test at the doctor's office, I decided to wait until the 17-days-past-ovulation mark to try a home test.

If you've been following along, you know that I didn't go to the doctor for a pregnancy test; I went for a yearly check-up. Since the doctor was already testing my blood for other things, she offered to do a pregnancy test. I tried to explain that my cycle is really long and that she should trust me about when I say I ovulated instead of looking at the last date of my menstrual cycle, but she said we should test anyway.

My cycle is wonky and varies depending on the amount of stress in my life. It's also been crazy since my miscarriage in July. So I felt like waiting 17 days past ovulation would be a good goal. I had to use my mantra quite a few times to keep myself from dwelling on the unknowns. I also employed Kelly's advice about not making any sort of plans about when the baby would be due (if I were pregnant). 

Instead, I worked on "cultivating myself beyond the conception process" (a topic we cover in Purposeful Conception) and focused on a big event for the school I'm working to create.

I decided on the 17-day mark because that's when I tested for Henry. I made it all the way to the 16-day mark and then couldn't resist anymore. I justified it by saying that my big event was on the 17th day and if I found out I were pregnant on that day, I wouldn't have time to write the new baby a letter like I did for Henry and the second baby.

The line immediately darkened, and a huge smile spread across my shocked face. 

I am ecstatic and counting my lucky stars. Matt is a lot more cautious now that we've had a miscarriage, but I'm trying to stay optimistic and focused on the positive. A miscarriage is always possible, as is some kind of pregnancy- or birth-related complication. I keep those possibilities in the back of my mind, but I choose not to focus on them. 

So our baby is due at the end of June! Henry already wants to name it Apple. Of course he doesn't really understand any of this, but he is quite obsessed with apples right now, so it's often the word that comes out of his mouth when you ask him a question.

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At Home with Montessori said...

Woo Hoo! I am smiling right along with you...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sara! If only people would realize that we women know our bodies better than anyone :)

Anthropolochic said...

Congratulations!!! I'm very happy for you. said...

Yay!!! So happy for you!

Kelsey said...

Amazing Sara!!! I'm so happy for you and Matt! Yes, just focus on the positive and envision having a healthy pregnancy and baby. Yay Yay Yay!!

Sarah said...

Congrats! So happy for you and your family!

Kylie D'Alton said...

Congratulations! It's the best news. Our girl name for Otis was Apple (I'm completely serious)!!

Michele said...

Yay! Smiles and hugs from me to you!

How I Roll said...

YAY!!!! So excited for you!!

Melissa (from Purposeful Conception class)

Heather said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news!

Sara said...


Jules said...

So happy for you!!! Congrats!!

andee said...

I'm so happy for your family Sara! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

HOORAY! Congratulations! Great news to start our Mondays with!

Megan said...

Awww, Congratulations, Sara! Such great news. Enjoy every second :)

Angela Mae said...

Yippee!! Congratulations!!

Chopork said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katie joe said...


Julia said...

Hip hip hooray!! Congratulations Sara and family.

Alice said...

Congratulations! Wishing you all the best :) x

Carrie said...

Congratulations, Sara! I'm impressed with your positive outlook. I know I'd be more like Matt and be cautious/scared until 13W+. Good for you!

Sarah said...

I'm so happy for you! A big smile spread across my face when I saw the headline in my Google Reader. :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Sara and Matt - and to big brother Henry! I am wishing you all the best for this pregnancy!

Amy Ford said...

Congrats Mama! I'm so excited to follow your journey with #2! I'm in the zone of trying again (Oliver is now almost 15 months old) so if these babes partially line up that would be fantastic.


Maureen said...

Congrats Sara! So happy for you all. xo

V. Wetlaufer said...

Oh, Sara, huge congrats!!!

Sara E. Cotner said...

Thank you all for your kind words, Dear Friends! Your support always means to much to me.

Big hugs,


Stephanie said...

How wonderful! Congratulations! You might remember me from my old Spirit and Seed blog. We are pregnant together again; I am due in mid-June. :) (not blogging right now...working on my childbirth educator certification, moving, and lots of other things)

Sara E. Cotner said...

Oh, Stephanie, that's great news! I absolutely remember you. Thank you for keeping in touch! Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy and your new endeavors.

Courtney said...

Congratulations!! That is wonderful news!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing yhour wonderful news. It brightened my day!

Alissa said...

Congratulations Sara!! I'm smiling with you as well. Send lots of positive thoughts your way!

Natalie said...

Congratulations, Sara! And I think Henry is a fan of Gwyneth Paltrow :)

Cara said...


Leigh said...

Congratulations! It is funny how often we know what messages our own body is telling us, if only we trusted/listened to them more often than not.

I'm with Henry about the potential name! Apple is a wonderful name...we have an inspiring friend and a sweet baby goat named Apple.

SO many blessings your way!

Katie G said...

Thank you for sharing your stories with us. By talking about your pregnancies I think you shine a really important light into the "private" world that a lot of women negotiate alone. There are so many questions- some scary, some fun- and you address everything with such honesty. I feel like there is a certain shame and stigma that goes into announcing a pregnancy "too soon" if it doesn't work out and you loose the baby. Women aren't failures for loosing a pregnancy, we shouldn't have to feel ashamed! But too often when a woman has a miscarriage she gets a sort of "told you so" about announcing the pregnancy too soon. that is so unfair and isolating. Women need to hold each other up, not tear each other down. You are so open about the good and bad sides of pregnancy, and it really helps build a strong community and is the best kind feminism. You handle these ups and downs with such grace, candor, and honesty. I am proud of you for having the confidence to come out to this blog (and the whole www) about your recent pregnancy. Thank you! I'm sending my best wishes in your newest adventure, and hoping that this will be the right time for you all to expand your family! Thank you for sharing it with all of us!

Anonymous said...

just catching up on your posts! congratulations on your pregnancy! great news. take care.

cathleen said...

congratulations! best wishes for a sticky baby and a healthy 9 months!

Nduoma said...

Wow! Congrats Sara! So happy for you!

Brie Bash said...

How exciting Sara! I am due in March so we will be pregnant together. So happy for you and Matt!

Kristin said...

I don't know how I missed this post! I am so excited and happy for you! Congratulations!!!

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