Monday, April 4, 2016

Reflection & Rejuvenation: My Goals for April

Wow. Another month has already gone by? 

Some highlights from this month:
  • I traveled to Chicago for the American Montessori Society conference.
  • My family and I traveled to Flagstaff for Spring Break. 
  • We went on a school camping trip (just for the day) to Pedernales Falls.

Let me check in about how I did toward my goals:

Goals for This Month
  • Keep up with the salad, running, yoga, and water: Yes! I feel so proud of myself for regularly exercising. It is making a huge difference in my life.
  • Work on my daily gratitude and meditation: I'm doing okay on this goal. Could be doing better!
  • Find a graphic designer to design the cover of our first book: Oy, I still haven't done this yet. 
  • Finish the draft for my most recent book idea: Worked on it but didn't finish it.
  • Make serious forward momentum on our house projects: refinishing deck, hanging the children's art gallery, recovering the chair in the living room, finding a wall hanging for the big wall, getting more quotes for permanent deck railing. Somewhat. We found someone to refinish the deck. We did not do the art gallery or get quotes for the permanent deck railing.
  • Finalize summer plans for Henry and Tate. Yep.
  • Book my personal retreat. Oops.
  • Have an awesome Spring Break! Yep! 
Honestly,  I didn't do that great because I didn't keep these goals at the forefront of my mind. I didn't have them posted anywhere, and I didn't paste them into my action plan. 

It seems like I need to push forward on these goals before adding new ones to my docket!

2016 Family Goals
  • Take a road trip to Oklahoma: Yes!
  • Take a road trip to Dallas to see Kyla: Done!
  • Read three chapter books: I need to check out the third one from the library.
  • Read all the BOB books: Working on it....
  • Go camping: Postponed until the Fall.
  • Volunteer: Yes! And we have another volunteer experience planned.
  • Take more day trips to small Texas towns: Not yet.
  • Hang out at the creek in the summer: Too cold!  

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Mismikado said...

I still do design work on the side. Book covers are one of my secret passion projects so feel free to shoot me your ideas. My email is sebrina.m.parker{at}

Mismikado said...

I still do design work on the side. Book covers are one of my secret passion projects so feel free to shoot me your ideas. My email is sebrina.m.parker{at}

Sara E. Cotner said...

Yes! I've been trying to e-mail you, Sebrina! I accidentally e-mailed the wrong Sebrina. I still love the blog header you designed for me all those years ago! I'll e-mail you now...

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