Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Write the Story of Your Life

An awesome friend of ours came for a visit during SXSW, and he started coaching Matt around how Matt wanted to develop and grow. Matt identified photography as a way in which he would really like to develop.

I encouraged him to sign up for a class. He also started taking free portraits of our friends and even created a website.

It’s such a simple yet difficult process to identify an area in which you’d like to develop and grow and then make it happen for yourself. And yet it feels like a fundamental part of how we create awesome lives for ourselves.

I’ve come to believe over the years that this ability—the ability to set a goal for yourself and then make it happen—is a muscle that can be exercised and strengthened. I started out small: “I want to plan a birthday party that does something to make the world better.” And got bigger: “I want to save up my money and spend a year taking a self-subsidized sabbatical to travel.” And got huge: “I want to start a national organization that changes the conversation about what’s possible for schools.”

I invite you to leave a comment about what you’re hoping to create in your life next—no matter how big or small! Go ahead; have courage!

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Shirahime said...

I want to run a marathon, write a book and save up money to buy a Tiny House or a boat to sail in. (perhaps I need to start smaller?)

Meaux said...

I want to continue my work as a doula and he'll moms who are experiencing loss.

Sara E. Cotner said...

Those sound totally doable, Shirahime! My brain is already racing with ideas and next steps! -Pick a marathon date and location -Find a training schedule/program -Start training! -Brainstorm book ideas -Make a schedule of when you can fit in writing -Start writing! (Then there will be more next steps related to deciding whether to self-publish or find an agent and then a publisher.) -Figure out whether you want a Tiny House or a boat -Figure out how much it costs -Create a savings plan/budget and a timeline -Track your expenses in something like Mint -Stay motivated by reading blogs like Mr. Money Mustache or listening to podcasts like Matrimoney.

I'm so excited for you!

Jennie said...

I want to teach English online for the next few years so I can stay home with my kids while they're young. Then, I want to spend 2-4 months every few years living in another country (teaching perhaps) so that my children can experience the world first hand.

I also want to learn some carpentry skills so that I can build my own shelves and furniture and possibly sell my creations!

Jennie said...

I want to teach English online for the next few years so I can stay home with my kids while they're young. Then, I want to spend 2-4 months every few years living in another country (teaching perhaps) so that my children can experience the world first hand.

I also want to learn some carpentry skills so that I can build my own shelves and furniture and possibly sell my creations!

lmb said...

1. Develop a consistent art studio practice and show work in exhibitions.
2. Slow travel South America for a year with my spouse and two kids ~2.5 years from now (once youngest is out of diapers).
3. Develop my skills in making community and connections for myself and my children.

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